LFS Mods
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To unlock LFS you need to be registered on the official website lfs.net - click on 'Create A New Account' on the top right of the start page and enter the requested information for username, email address and country. Below this information you have to choose your WEBpassword which must be entered twice. Repeat the same for your GAMEpassword. You should choose your passwords carefully. If you were sent a voucher code, you may enter it on that page, or later if you prefer. When you click on Submit you will be sent an email containing a link for verification of your account. After clicking on this link, your account will be created and you will be logged in automatically. Note: you can use the same username and WEBpassword to login at LFS Forum - the official forum and lfsworld.net - a website offering extensive online statistics.

After registering, you will then be able to buy a license using the payment method of your choice, or a voucher code. When you have paid for your license and it shows S1/S2/S3 in the right top corner you are ready to unlock S1/S2/S3.

Now you are prepared to unlock Live for Speed S1/S2/S3. You simply have to start Live for Speed and unlock it using your username and GAMEpassword, it's as simple as that!

Welcome to Live for Speed S1/S2/S3!

Now you have access to the tracks and cars you own. Attention: To unlock LFS you need to have an internet connection. The bandwidth of your connection does not matter so an old modem will do the job. Once unlocked all features can be used offline as well. When you first buy a license you may unlock the game up to three times. This allows you to unlock on two computers and keep one spare unlock. After that, you will receive another spare unlock at the end of every week (on Fridays to be more specific), up to a maximum of two, so that if you re-install Windows or upgrade your computer, you can always unlock Live for Speed again.

Category: Introduction | Date: 2022.10.21 | Author: Live for Speed
Tags: Unlocking, lfs, s3, license, cars, s1, Tracks, s2 | Views: 201 | Voted: 14 | Rating: 5.0

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